If you are currently using Tally Rental license and wish to buy Tally Permanent license later, then please note that your TALLY SERIAL NUMBER WILL CHANGE. A...
Sat, 22 Dec, 2018 at 4:53 PM
Query I am using RANDBETWEEN function in Excel to generate random dates and amounts. When I import the excel data in Tally, there is difference between th...
Mon, 21 Jan, 2019 at 5:31 PM
Opening Stock With Inventory Use the template "Master-StockItemMaster.xls" to import Opening Stock details (ItemName, UOM, Qty, Rate, Value) ...
Wed, 5 Aug, 2020 at 1:08 PM
Query When I upload the StockItem Master with MRP [or Standard Cost / Standard Price], the MRP [or Standard Cost / Standard Price] for the earlier dates g...
Fri, 27 Nov, 2020 at 10:57 AM