If you are currently using Tally Rental license and wish to buy Tally Permanent license later, then please note that your TALLY SERIAL NUMBER WILL CHANGE. Also note that udiMagic license can be activated with ONE Tally Serial and ONE USB Flash drive only.
To help you understand, we have addressed the queries underneath.
Question 1
I have a Tally Rental license. Should I activate udiMagic license with it?
No. If you are currently using Tally Rental and plan to purchase Tally Permanent license in future, it is strongly advised that you activate udiMagic license with a USB Flash drive. Later, when you buy Tally Permanent license, you can activate udiMagic with the Tally Permanent License / Serial.
Question 2
I had earlier activated udiMagic license with my Tally Rental license. Now, I have purchased a new Tally Permanent license. What to do?
udiMagic can be activated with ONE Tally License only. If you have already activated udiMagic with Tally Rental license, you cannot activate it again with another Tally license (i.e. your Tally Permanent license). However, you can activate udiMagic with a USB Flash drive and use it with any Tally License in any Computer where you plug-in that USB flash drive. This way, you can still use udiMagic with your Tally Permanent License / Serial using the USB Flash drive licensing method.