Applicable to : udi-Magic v8.0 Release 2.7 and higher

This post briefly explains the procedure to upload MySQL data into Tally using udi-Magic (Professional) version.

Before you begin, view this video tutorial which shows the process of uploading data from MySQL into Tally.

Getting Started
1. Start Tally and create a NEW (Blank) company
2. Minimize Tally

3. Start udi-Magic

4. Select option "Advanced Usage"
5. Select database type as "MySQL"

6. Click the "Settings" button to view or change the MySQL Server configuration / settings.

If you specify your own MySQL Server details, ensure that you must have proper rights to access the same.

7. Next, select the "Query" file : MySQL-GST-Sales.qry

a. The query file contains the SELECT statement to retrieve data from the database tables. If you wish to retrieve data from your own database, you must ensure that you write correct SELECT SQL. See the sample query file as given in the video tutorial mentioned above.

b. In this video tutorial, we have taken the Standard Excel template named "Vouchers-V8-Sales-Purchase-Basic.xls" as the basis and designed a table in our database on

c. We have written the query file named "MySQL-GST-Sales.qry" which selects the relevant fields from the table (which is same as the Standard template Vouchers-V8-Sales-Purchase-Basic.xls)

8. Next, select the "XML" file : MySQL-GST-Sales.qry

a. The xml file contains Tally supported xml. 

b. As we have used the Standard Excel template as the basis, we have used the same template xml file and renamed it as "MySQL-GST-Sales.xml"

c. For the purpose of this DEMO, simply select the XML file as mentioned above.

9. Next, click the "Start" button to connect to the MySQL database at; fetch the data; and upload it into Tally.

You must have Internet connect in your system as in this DEMO, udi-Magic connects to MySQL database on