Uncertain transactions in VAT Report
Note: This post is applicable to users of Tally ERP 9 Release 5.0 and higher only
To resolve the issue "Uncertain transactions" in VAT Report, you must set the following fields in Ledgers Masters:
1. Fields to be set for Sales and Purchase Ledgers
- Is VAT/CST Applicable : Applicable
- Set/Alter VAT Details : Yes
- Nature of Transaction : <SelectAsRequired>
- TaxRate : <SetValueAsRequired>
- Additional Tax : <SetValueAsRequired>
2. Fields to be set for VAT and CST Ledgers
- Type of duty/tax : VAT or CST
- Percentage of calculation : <SetValueAsRequired>
3. Fields to be set for Additional Tax Ledgers
- Type of duty/tax : Additional Tax
- Percentage of calculation : <SetValueAsRequired>
- Start Tally and open your Company.
- Next, go to "Gateway of Tally >> Accounts Info >> Ledger >> Alter"
- Next, select the Sales Ledger : Example : Sales @ 5%
- Next, select the following :
Is VAT/CST Applicable : Applicable
Set/Alter VATDetails : Yes
- Next, set the options :
Nature of Transaction : Example : Sales Taxable - Next, set the Tax Rate : Example : 5
- Repeat the steps for all other Sales and Purchase ledgers and specify appropriate values for point 5 and 6.