This post guides you through the steps to delete unwanted Ledger Masters (or any other Masters) from Tally ERP using udi-Magic.
Before we begin, we wish to intimate you that the steps to delete the Masters are almost same as uploading the Masters into Tally Software. The only difference is the you have to select "Undo entries" option before clicking the "Start" button.
Steps to delete Masters from Tally Software :
1) Start udi-Magic software
2) Select option "Excel to Tally >> Import data into Tally"
3) Click the browse button and select the XLS sheet : Example : Master-Ledger-Master.xls
4) Click the Up-arrow button next to the Start button; and select option "Undo entries" as shown in the image below :
5) Next, click the Start button to start the process.
The aforesaid steps will delete the Ledger Masters from Tally.
1. You can you the same steps to delete other Masters also. Example : StockItem (use template Master-StockItem); StockGroup (use template Master-StockGroup)
2. However, if entries exist for a Master, it will not be deleted.